Demonstration of Digital Image Processing Theoretical Concepts using MATLAB

           FACULTY NAME: Ms. Nagaveni S A, Mr. Sharanabasaveshwara H B          
           SUBJECT CODE: 15EC72                                                     SEMESTER: VII

           SUBJECT NAME: Digital Image Processing                          ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018-19
·         Each student was assigned a concept under Digital Image Processing.
·         The students then had to search and develop a MATLAB code to implement the given concept.
·         For writing the code, the students can refer any source (such as textbooks, internet etc).
·         Any doubt during this process was clarified by the faculty.
·         Finally the students were asked to demonstrate the working of the code with an example image.
From this activity, students were able to:
  • Get the exposure to practical aspects.
  • Get in depth knowledge about the theoretical concepts through practical approach.
Get insight about MATLAB instructions in-line with image processing.


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