Activity: Pick and Answer

           FACULTY NAME: Ms. Nagaveni S A, Ms. Vinutha L B                   DATE: 05-01-2019
           SUBJECT CODE: 18ELE13                                                  SEM/BRANCH: I/Mechanical

           SUBJECT NAME: Basic Electrical Engineering                     ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018-19
·       An activity for 1st semester Mechanical Engineering students has been conducted in Basic Electrical Engineering subject.
·         The students were divided into two groups A & B.
·         In round 1, each individual of group A were randomly given chits containing questions and similarly each individual of group B were also randomly given chits containing answers.
·         The students in group A were instructed to ask the question in their respective chits one by one.
·         The student in group B who had the right answer chit has to stand up and give his answer.
·         If the answer given by the student is right, group B will get one point, otherwise group A gets a point.
·         In round 2, the same process was repeated by giving a different set of questions and answers to group B & A respectively.
From this activity, students were able to:
  • Memorize and recall the basics of the subject.
  • Realize their understanding of the subject.


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