Activity: Demonstration and hands-on session on 8051 programming  using Keil uVision3

           FACULTY NAME: HARISHA G C                                              DATE: 25/09/2018
           SUBJECT CODE: 15EC563                                                       SEM/BRANCH: V / ECE

           SUBJECT NAME: 8051 Microcontroller                     ACADEMIC YEAR: 2018-2019
·         A hands-on session for V semester Electronics & Communication Engineering students was conducted on 8051 programming using Keil uVision3.
·         The students were given instructions to install Keil uVision3, an open source tool, to conduct hands-on session.
·         The students first were given introduction to basic concepts on 8051 programming using Keil uVision3.
·         Basic 8051 program was explained and simulation of simple 8051 assembly language programs was demonstrated.
·         8051 Programs includes arithmetic and logical operation, data transfer, Branching etc.

From this activity, students were able to:
  • Understand the basics of 8051 assembly language programming.
  • Simulate and test 8051 assembly language programs using open source IDE tool – Keils uVision3.


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